Monday, November 10, 2014

next step

First test with the geosmin odor and a fog machine made!
For now, I can say that there is a big delay between the moment the fog with smell comes out and the time when you can start smelling the geosmin. BUT, the smell stays for very long time in the space once the smoke is gone.

Streptomyces coelicolor

It seems the bacteria Streptomyces coelicolor is the main cause for the geosmin odor.

Some questions that give some base to my research:

*** Do we try to portrait nature because it makes us happy?

**** Are we happy when we are gardening because we smell the bacteries in the earth?
***** If so, would geosmin make us feel better in a non natural enviroment?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Quick up-date

Such a long time without updating my research!

My current project, Petrichor, a odor-analogue film performance is taking quite some time to develop, but as the good wine, some time and rest will do it's magic, it's while the maturation process when it gets the most special flavors. So there I am!

For now, and this is quite a big step, I have manage to obtain some Geosmine odor, which means: I'm so close to the end smell I wanted to create!!

In the past months I've been busy filming the Tropaeolum majus I planted in our garden, here in Berlin. It has grown rapidly.

What interests me about this plant, is the reaction its leafs have to the rain, when it falls:

They seem to have a really resistant impermeable layer which reveals us the superficial tension water drops at it's peak!

Please have a look to this short clip, it's amazing how the tinny water drops get together.

Monday, March 17, 2014

head on...


the earth / gravity = heavy                      the air / smell = light

the smell of wet earth,
pleasant experience.
the right balance between reality and dreams.

Perceiving the unperceivable.

the rain comes from above.
the feet is grasping the earth.
the moment of connection between the unreachable and the reachable, sky + earth / air and land,

the diffusion of the limitations, the limits diffusion.  

hands on!

While researching how to generate in a very primitive and analogue way Petrichor smell I had several ideas on how to present the odor composition together with a analogue film performance. But starting from the beginning:

I've taken 2 samples from the driest earth in my garden. Both are kept in this new plastic containers, one of them has a solid base of cotton.

They've been for more than 2 weeks on top of the heater. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

New Research // Petrichor


It is time for me to start a new odor research. I thought it was a shame to create a new blog every time I start a new project so I'm going to pack my smell tasks all under "dailyodors". 

Dailyodors was the name I gave to the previous work which consisted in how odor affects our personal live, but in general terms what interests me the most is to research the ways how odor affects our visual perception. 

For the next project I am working on, I would like to extract odors from the 4th elements in the earth: air, water, fire and earth. 

Step by step, I will start with earth. Probably as many of you out there, I'm captivated by the smell of earth after the rain, also, not just earth, but how any pavement smells like at that moment. It seems this smell is a mixture of ozone, the spores of the bacteria actinomycetes and other vegetal components we might find in the soil. This smell has a beautiful name, many people called it Petrichor.

"Petrichor (/ˈpɛtrɨkɔər/) is the scent of rain on dry earth, or the scent of dust after rain. The word is constructed from Greekpetros, meaning stone + ichor, the fluid that flows in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology. It is defined as "the distinctive scent which accompanies the first rain after a long warm dry spell"".

Extracted from: